Friday, February 17, 2012

Help! How to Complete the Fairfax Convention Filing Forms

Fairfax City and Fairfax County registered voters can start filing now to participate in the upcoming Republican committee and congressional district conventions. But gosh those forms can be confusing!

So here are the Fairfax form completion guides to help you through the process. (Please don't complete the color-coded guide; it won't be accepted as a valid form. Download and print the official form and then use the guide as a reference.)

JurisdictionDeadline*Official formForm completion guide
Fairfax CitySaturday,
March 31,
6:00 p.m.
Download here
Fairfax CountySaturday,
March 10,
12:00 noon
Download here
(for help looking up your districts
see steps 1 & 2 here)

* NOTE: the form and payment must be received by this time. Postmarks do not count! Mail it in now and you won't have to worry about hand delivery to meet the deadline.

Prince William County voters, we're still waiting to get a copy of your form. As soon as I can I'll provide a guide for you too.

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