
Ah, endorsements. What would Virginia Republicans do if we weren't horsetrading these prizes? (Hint: think of ways we might reach out to the vast numbers of voters who are not initiated into local Republican political insider status.)

I don't know about you, but a list of names and titles isn't really relevant to me, even if I know who those folks are. But I am interested in hearing why people support a particular candidate.

So if you think I'd make a good member of the State Central Committee, I invite you to share publicly your reasons in the comment box below. It doesn't matter whether you live in the 11th District or not; your opinions can inform voters in the 11th either way. And you can include your title in the comments--or not. As far as I'm concerned, the only title you need to matter is Patriotic American.

(Please note: a number of people have had technical problems when trying to login to comment in the form below. Please save your work in another document, and if the form loses your submission, you can resubmit under the "Anonymous" option and it should work.)


  1. I met Lillian Vogl over 12 years ago at a Federalist Society conference; she was a conservative thought-leader even then. In the ensuing decade, Fairfax's demographics have radically changed---new homeowners, new families, new voters. Lillian Vogl is the very best chance for our state party to harness the NEW NoVA voter, moving our party forward. Lillian can draw on her three-dimensional understanding of state issues as she voices NoVA realities and priorities, within the Virginia Republican structure. Our party brand cannot be stale: we need fresh, energized, exciting leaders like Lillian to propel our VA GOP. Vote Vogl!

    ---Gerarda Culipher, 2011 GOP Nominee for Virginia Senate, 34th

  2. We need innovation and new ideas on State Central and Lillian will bring that. She has worked for candidates, the party, and the community for years now and her knowledge of elections and campaigns will help her move RPV and the 11th CD into the future.

  3. Lillian is a terrific Mom who makes time to be a patriot, and a solid patriot at that! She cares for all the right reasons. I trust her judgment on the center-right. I trust her so much she was hired as head of our policy efforts at the entrepreneurial citizen activist website that we pulled up in 2010. I have been a fan and follower of Lillian ever since. We need more people who pull NEW good people into the party at a time when more and more Americans are waking up to what is at stake! I support her, and I am new to the Republican Party in this state and congressional district! Thanks for pulling me in, Lillian! -- Ginni Thomas, founder of Liberty Central

  4. I enthusiastically endorse Lillian's candidacy for State Central Committee. I am very impressed with her vision for using technology to improve RPV processes to expand our party and win elections. Her courage is equally impressive in taking on the status quo to attract younger voters and minority Virginians. We must transition away from archaic methods and overly complicated processes that in fact discourage participation. This is a very effective grassroots activist who will be acutely sensitive of the effect that votes at State Central will have on our most important operations - at the doors, booths & on the phone with our base & potential supporters.
    Sign up to be a delegate now. Then go to the convention on 19May & cast your vote for Lillian.
    Signed Bob Patten, Candidate for State Central Committee, 11th CD, & Candidate for Vice Chairman, Prince William County Republican Committee

  5. I'm pleased to support Lillian Vogl for State Central Committee. Having worked with her for a number of years together at the FCRC and as a fellow attorney, I am confident that she has the ability, the drive and the courage to stand up for the 11th District in State Central.
    - Brian Schoeneman, former Republican nominee for Virginia House of Delegates, 37th District.
