Sunday, February 26, 2012

FAQ: Can I Register or Pay Online for the Convention?

Here's another common question from the campaign trail: can I register for the convention online, or send a credit card payment for my registration fee online?

And again, the answer is NO.

Is this 2012 or 1992? The party plan of the Republican Party of Virginia still does not allow electronic signatures, so we're still stuck with paper forms and paper checks. Not only is this inconvenient for voters who want to register, but it's enormously time consuming for the staff and volunteers who have to enter the information from these forms by hand into databases.

If elected to State Central Committee, one key, common sense reform I will work hard to see adopted is a single, online registration form for all of Virginia. Put in your address, the system automatically figures out which districts you're in, check the boxes for what you want to participate in, enter a credit card, and that's it, you're done. The data and payments automatically get transmitted to the right district chairmen, in electronic form to add to their lists, and that's it, they're done.

Such a simple, cost-effective and time-saving solution. I think we have a right to ask our State Central representatives, "why hasn't the RPV done this yet?"

Until they do, please see the registration guide to make sure you have the opportunity to vote for more forward-looking leadership for our party. There's only about a week left to get the registration forms in the mail, so don't delay!

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