Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Honored to Become Providence District Chair

Thanking Providence for their support
and announcing my leadership team.
This evening, the Providence District members of the Fairfax County Republican Committee voted to approve me as their new Chair for the 2012-2013 election cycles. I am thankful for everyone's support, and for new FCRC Chairman Jay McConville selecting me for this position.

I am also thankful to Matt Ames, who has served so ably as Providence District Chair for the past 4 years. Together we have built an amazing grassroots organization in a district that is tough for Republicans. We are proud to have helped to elect Patty Reed as our school board representative, the first Republican-endorsed candidate elected in Providence in decades, and an incredibly able and affable community leader. Matt Ames was rightfully named District Chair of the Year in 2009, and thereafter put in charge of countywide Operations on the basis of his excellent organizational leadership in Providence.

One might be intimidated by the thought of having such big shoes to fill. I prefer, instead, to think of it as taking over as the engineer for a well-built train engine. (Perhaps I have been watching too many Thomas the Tank Engine episodes with my children.) By keeping this engine well-maintained and well-fueled, I am confident we will keep steaming ahead down the right track.

Please join me in thanking Matt Ames for his four years of excellent service to the Providence District. And please never hesitate to share with me suggestions and even criticisms to help us do ever better as an organization. Much of Matt's recipe for success was based on being a good listener who was always willing to learn and adapt from the experiences of other activists in the district, and I intend to continue on that tradition.


P.S. In case you're wondering whether I will have time to serve both as District Chair and as a State Central Committee represented if elected on May 19, it is worth noting again that the State Central Committee ordinarily meets only 4 days per year. I believe holding both positions would enhance my service in both, as I would have very tangible experience in understanding how the state party governing board impacts the county party governing board and vice versa, and how to make those relationships even more smooth and beneficial to the ultimate goal of equipping activists to elect Republican candidates to public office.


  1. 1.) So you don't plan to go out into the community as a State Central Representative? The problem we have with some of current Party leaders is they never go out into the Republican community and it sounds like you are going to continue that tradition. Why should we support you?

    2.) In an earlier post you said that the 1st Vice Chairman was going to handle Operations but now it appears that it is someone else. Did they change the by-laws to make two positions or were you wrong in your original post?

  2. Lillian,
    The above comments are ridiculous. Congratulations! I have full faith that you will do a great job as Providence Chairman, and as State Central if elected.
